Unreal Ecology
January 29th – February 27th, 2022, Kyoto Art Center
Unreal Ecology
2022年1月29日 – 2月27日、京都芸術センター
Drawing on such motifs as ghost photography and the paintings of Christian Riese Lassen, Yuki Harada’s work has explored the ethics of the image while testing the limits of his own body and perception.
Shown at a 2021 solo exhibition at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, his thirty-three-hour computer animation Waiting for attracted widespread attention. The work is based on his interest in the waterside, a central element in both German Romanticist landscape painting and 1960s conceptual art, and whose ambiguous spatiality Harada visualizes through 3D CGI.
In addition to Waiting for, this exhibition features other new and previous works especially arranged for the occasion, including a new installation using footage shot at Lake Suwa in Nagano as well as One Million Seeings, which records someonewhich records the process of vgaziewing at photographs over the course of twenty-four hours.photographs over the course of twenty-four hours.
The titular word ecology refers to both environmental preservation and protection as well as ecosystems and the environment itself. Ecology that is “unreal,” on the other hand, adds a further layer of meaning: of artificial environments or ecosystems. In the same way that ecology is a word with semantic breadth, the title of the exhibition encapsulates everything from digitally generated virtual spaces to the natural environment in the actual world, and the systems for distribution and consumption that we find in contemporary society.
Throughout this exhibition, Harada asks us to consider our ethics in response to the unique ecosystem that “images” like computer graphics, video, and photography possess. The three works featured in the exhibition form a record of the artist’s practice in which he confronts that problem by different means.
原田裕規は、クリスチャン・ラッセンや心霊写真などをモチーフに、作家自身の身体や知覚の限界に挑みながら、「イメージの倫理」を問う活動を展開してきました。2021年に金沢21世紀美術館で開催された個展では、33時間に及ぶ長編CGアニメーション作品《Waiting for》を発表して話題となりました。
《Waiting for》は、ドイツ・ロマン主義の風景画や1960年代のコンセプチュアリズムに通底する「水辺」への関心をモチーフに、その多義的な空間性を3DCGによってビジュアライズした作品です。
本展では《Waiting for》に加えて、長野県にある諏訪湖で撮影された映像を用いた新作インスタレーション、24時間にわたって写真を見続ける様子を記録した《One Million Seeings》など、新旧作品が新たな構成で展開されます。
それに対して「Unreal Ecology(アンリアル・エコロジー)」とは、日本語にすると「人工的な環境/人工的な生態系」といった意味合いになります。Ecologyという言葉の幅広さと同様、Unreal Ecologyというタイトルもまた、生成的につくられた仮想空間から、現実世界の自然環境、現代文明の消費流通システムに至るまで、幅広い対象を捉えています。

Unreal Ecology
January 29th – February 27th, 2022
Kyoto Art Center – Gallery North, South and Japanese-style room Meirin
Open every day, No reservation required
Gallery tour by artist
Sunday, January 30, 2022, 11:00–12:30
Interviewer: Ryuichi Tani (Program Director, Kyoto Art Center)
Capacity: 15 persons
Yuki Harada×Reiko Tomii (Art historian, Co-Director of “PoNJA-GenKon”) *Remote
Friday, February 11, 2022, 10:00–11:30
Capacity: 15 persons
Yuki Harada×Yoichi Umetsu (Artist, Founder of “Parplume”)
Friday, February 25, 2022, 19:00–20:30
Capacity: 15 persons
Organized by Unreal Ecology, Kyoto Art Center (Kyoto Arts and Culture Foundation)
Curated by Yuki Harada, Kyoto Art Center (Kyoto Arts and Culture Foundation)
Coordination: Ryuichi Tani, Tomo Setou, Mami Katsuya, Hiromu Yoshimine (Kyoto Art Center)
Technical Coordination: Koutarou Tategami
Video Install: Kotaro Konishi
Property Design (Gallery North): SUPER-FACTORY Inc.
Install: Koutarou Tategami, Yohei Sogo, Yuto Yonemura, Miki Murakami
Web and Graphic Design: Atsushi Kumagai
Photo and Video Archives: Takuya Matsumi, Katsura Muramatsu
Thanks to: Hidenao Aoki, Akane Tanaka, Kumiko Matsuzawa, Shintaro Watanabe
Supported by Nomura Foundation, Ogasawara Toshiaki Memorial Foundation
A program of Co-program2021 category B, Kyoto Art Center
Unreal Ecology
2022年1月29日 – 2月27日
京都芸術センター ギャラリー北・南・和室「明倫」
聞き手:谷竜一(京都芸術センター プログラムディレクター)
主催:Unreal Ecology、京都芸術センター(公益財団法人京都市芸術文化協会)
京都芸術センター Co-program2021 カテゴリーB採択企画
Exhibition Website / 展覧会ウェブサイト
Handout [PDF] / ハンドアウト[PDF]